My Energy Optimizer is the program that rewards you for being a bit more flexible with your smart thermostat schedule. As a participant, you help make energy more affordable and reliable for everyone — plus you’ll get a $50 Prepaid Mastercard® when you enroll and a $25 Prepaid Card for each season you participate.
Here’s how it works: on extremely hot days, energy demand can spike so much that getting power to everyone who needs it can become inefficient — and expensive. On days when we anticipate there will be a high demand for energy, My Energy Optimizer will schedule Peak Events: this means we’ll shift some of your energy use out of the hours when demand is highest. We’ll do this by working with your thermostat to keep your home comfortable all day, while being a bit more flexible about when we cool it.
By adjusting your thermostat schedule so your AC uses less when energy demand is high, and coordinating your energy use with thousands of others’, we can keep energy demand (and prices) under control while keeping you comfortable.
Peak Event Details
• There can be a maximum of 15 Peak Events each summer, and each event will be no longer than 4 hours. Peak Events will start in June and end in September.
• Events will occur on non-holiday weekdays 8 a.m. and 9 p.m.
• You’ll only get one Peak Event a day, and there will not be more than 3 events in a week.
• In the unlikely situation of a critical need on the electric grid, SMUD may need to call a critical Peak Event. Critical events can occur at any time of day on weekdays and weekends between June and September.
MY ENERGY OPTIMIZER is a trademark of Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
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